Rocket Espresso Mozzafiato Timer Evoluzione R Espresso Machine
Equipped with all of the great features that make the Mozzafiato Type V an Italian classic, the Mozzafiato Timer Evoluzione R from Rocket Espresso is truly one of the best Italian espresso machines available. This hand-made machine uses a heat exchanger boiler to ensure that you can pull the perfectly extracted espresso shot and froth milk simultaneously. WIth a heated E61 group head you’ll also get excellent temperature stability. This is helped even further by the Mozzafiato’s easy to access and use PID controller. A built in shot timer helps you dial-in those tricky shots, but still blends seamlessly into the machine’s beautiful casing. Finally, the Evoluzione R model of this machine uses a commercial grade rotary pump, allowing you to plumb in a water line direcctly to the espresso machine. Look no further, your tool for brewing your favorite espresso beans is right here!