Ratio Six Coffee Maker – Black – Open Box
A soft touch is all it takes to get your morning pot of coffee, perfectly. The Open Box Ratio Six offers functional form in spades, no high-tech surprises, and no hacky workarounds for an excellent cup of coffee. The base brewer features a classic tube boiler, standard flat-bottom filters, and a volume-oriented steel carafe—much like any other brewer on the market. What sets the Open Box Ratio Six apart is its attention to detail—like a wide spray head and optional heat shield that keeps the Six’s coffee bed fully saturated at the ideal temperature for brewing coffee. Meanwhile it’s 40-ounce capacity and well-insulated carafe ensures every cup comes out as good as the first. When everything is managed for you, you can forget all about how you’re making coffee, and start enjoying coffee instead. Sip and save with the Open Box Ratio Six Coffee Maker.